The Angel Within Slow Shopping Luxury Experience

Ended on October 31st 2017

pledged of $10,000AU

? Bring the feminine retreat of handmade French/Italian inspired retrostyle ? to the next stage ?

The Angel Within Collection

Flexible Funding
Fashion Queensland, Australia

The Angel Within Boutique opened its doors September 2016…image A little boutique like you might happen upon in France for the ladies of the Gold Coast ….. of everyday refinement. It is a return to grace & glamour.

imageimageimageElegantly stylish gowns created, following in the feminine tradition of handing skills down from generation to generation and of the self taught artisan.

It is a boutique with a designer in residence if you will as I create within this space. 


imageimageThe Angel Within Boutique is a mix of French and Italian styling with retro inspired lines. I suppose it could be considered a little quirky as I have French Baroque playing with king Louis furnishings whilst creating dresses. imageimageimage

It is the vision to bring beautiful soft feminine handmade garments and products for the home in the style of the time honoured salon to ladies of refinement. Where by appointment, ladies are welcomed into a sanctuary of slow shopping where champagne, tea,coffee are offered while being shown dresses or during personal styling consultations. Ladies are free to peruse as usual outside of appointments.

Consultation area and changeroomimageimage


imageimage image

Eventually my vision is to live above the boutique and move the VIP and couture section upstairs allowing for in the moment gifts, plants and dress customers in the current boutique space.


imageimagePart of the vision is for the boutique to become known for interesting and well boutique events such as Sunday  afternoon recitals, artist in residence  learn to speak social French afternoons with bubbly and croissants and also interactive ladies and infants fashion parades Saturday mornings introducing new dresses to cafe patrons.



Right now I am doing everything myself and surprisingly it’s all a bit exhausting!! To this end I would like to spend some of this campaign on hiring local seamstresses to replicate designs I create as production is quite behind!


One dress takes a day to complete or more complex a little over two days. Each dress if it was to be a limited edition needs to be replicated through the different sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14. If it is a one off designer (couture) dress for everyday wear I know I should be charging $700 and if it is couture by appointment and more fashion as art in styling $1000 plus.  This is not my preference as I would like to keep pricing below $400 or between $200 – $350 for most of the range. The point of my designs is for easy everyday femininity with style, that can be worn in the daytime or out to dinner. Myself, I feel wearing a $350 dress daily is extravagant enough so I wish to keep this reasonable pricepoint of everyday luxury.

Also marketing is so essential and I would like to spend some of this campaign on raising brand awareness: attending women in business events, charity events, flyers introducing my business, advertising in local magazines, a mini bar fridge to keep that bubbly chilled and extra mannequins.

$10,000 –

Designs Replicated $400/ dress      10 designs ready total $4000

Fabric per dress on coatdress $100 or $80 for good quality Linens and Tapestry and lining  = $4000

$2000 spend on marketing flyers, charity event tickets, women in business event tickets, sponsoring dresses for charity auctions, advertising in Gold Coast Magazine, The Bulletin, to purchase 6 Mannequins and mini bar fridge.




imageimageimageI hope you feel moved to be part of bringing this idyllic ladies boutique into the next stage of being an exquisite feminine retreat filled with beauty.

The Angel Within Boutique is a wonderful space for women to enjoy but alas is still the best kept secret within the jewel that is Emerald Lakes. Let’s make it widely known for its uniqueness, heart and affordable luxury experience!

with much gratitude,



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3 supporters


Rachel Walsh
7 years ago

7 years ago

7 years ago

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