Aussie Food To You

Ended on July 31st 2017


Help us to help our farmers! Get premium meat direct from Australian farms!


I'm a Farmer!

11 pledges

Calling all Farmers! This is for you! Pledge $1 (or more) and be linked to #AussieFoodToYou updates. For those feeling EXTRA supportive: Please post a photo of yourself to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and include in the comments '#AussieFoodToYou' and your postcode!

Heart of Gold

12 pledges

It's just the vibe of it.... Enjoy that good karma, you wonderful human being, in knowing that you are doing your bit to help our farming communities. With your permission, we will add your name to our website and app as a foundation member and valued supporter. Plus you will receive a personal thank you from our farmers.

Vouch For Us!

| 24 pledges

Be one of our first shoppers on the app! You will receive a $50 voucher to spend on our shiny, new app when it is launched. Select from the full range of meats from across our suppliers. Shop for yourself, or pool your vouchers with your friends to buy up big!

Pack 1 - The Closet Chef

| 20 pledges

Perfect for singles and couples to whip up culinary delights. Receive $100 retail value of meat of your choice. At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat for delivery.

Christmas Gift $100

1 pledge

Would you like your Christmas gifts to be thoughtful, practical AND have a positive impact? Pledge to buy a Christmas gift voucher and we will send out a specially designed Christmas $100 e-voucher to your chosen recipient with your personalised Christmas message. At the end of our crowdfunding campaign the lucky recipient will be able to choose meat to the value of $100 to be delivered to their door. (Please note, vouchers will not be redeemable before Christmas).

Pack 2 - BBQ Master

| 14 pledges

Cook up a storm and impress with your BBQ mastery.
Receive $200 retail value of meat of your choice.
At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat and delivery time-frame options (receive your order in full, or split over 1 or 2 months).

Christmas Gift $250

0 pledges

Would you like your Christmas gifts to be thoughtful, practical AND have a positive impact? Pledge to buy a Christmas gift voucher and we will send out a specially designed Christmas $250 e-voucher to your chosen recipient with your personalised Christmas message. At the end of our crowdfunding campaign the lucky recipient will be able to choose meat to the value of $250 to be delivered to their door. (Please note, vouchers will not be redeemable before Christmas).

Pack 3 - Feed the Family

| 3 pledges

Grab everything from your stir-fry beef to your Sunday roast.
Receive $350 retail value of meat of your choice.
At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat and delivery time-frame options (receive your order in full, or split over 1, 2 or 3 months).

Pack 4 - Connoisseur’s Pack

| 1 pledge

Great for home entertainers and those who like to impress.
Receive $500 retail value of meat of your choice.
At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat and delivery time-frame options (receive your order in full, or split over 1, 2 or 3 months).

Pack 5 - Come Buy With Me

| 0 pledges

Shop together with your friends and family to buy up big.
Receive $750 retail value of meat of your choice.
At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat and delivery time-frame options (receive your order in full, or split over 1, 2 or 3 months).

Pack 6 - Corporate Pantry

| 1 pledge

Stock up for office functions!
Receive $1000 retail value of meat of your choice.
At the end of our crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select from our menu of available meat and delivery time-frame options (receive your order in full, or split over 1, 2 or 3 months).

Beyond Business Connections

All or Nothing
Food Australia

Show your support for our farmers by pledging to buy one our farmers’ meat packs!


This will enable the building of the world’s best digital farmers’ market, where you can buy direct from Australian farmers in a true paddock-to-plate transaction.

So many people tell us that they want to support Aussie farmers – well here is a definite way to prove that people are willing to do it…  

What we have seen in recent years is that “People Power” makes things happen.  In Australia, we spend around $300 million per week on meat – that’s amazing buying power!  

Imagine if we all bought our meat directly from farmers, with no middle men, no supermarkets and only the highest quality produce.  

From the farm straight to your doorstep!

We could put up to 80% of the profit back into our farmers’ pockets and in doing so, support our struggling primary producers.

Socially responsible grocery shopping…

Together, we can say “NO” to big supermarkets.  We can show our farmers and our rural communities that we care.  We can help to build the Australian economy and restore the balance to one where our farmers are rewarded for their efforts.


image          image          image

  With one small change to our shopping habits, our primary producers can make it through the droughts, floods and bushfires. 

Buying direct from the farmer can help them to save their family farms and to reject the advances of foreign investors who are buying up our Australian farm land. And when our farmers win, so do you.

You win with:

  • the highest quality produce delivered directly to your door.
  • knowing where your meat has come from, that your meat is fresh and that you are supporting hardworking Aussies.
  • by helping Australia’s largest commodity stay in the hands of those who have built our agricultural industry.
  • the knowledge that you have used your buying power wisely and responsibly.

Together we can make a huge difference. We can tell our farmers, “thanks for all that you do”.  

Buy a pack of farm-fresh meat to show the farmers your support.

Your pledge to purchase a fresh-from-the-farm meat pack will create a market for our farmers to help to establish the business.  

Our app is already well into development so that when the farmers’ businesses kick off, our farmers can start taking orders direct from the public via the app and delivering their produce to your door.

In the meantime, your purchase of their meat will get the ball rolling.

… Yes, it’s really that simple!



We will share the love by supporting charities who have a strong reputation for assisting farmers and families in regional Australia. So join us in putting our shopping dollars where they will help the most – our farmers, our families in need, and you.  

image All you need to do is buy a meat pack from Aussie Food to You . . . That’s it!

So choose your reward and let your groceries do the talking.

We aren’t asking for donations or investments.  And we aren’t asking you to buy anything out of the ordinary.  Whether you are a single, a family, a group of friends or a business, we have a range of rewards packages to suit you and your budget. Follow these steps, and soon after our crowdfunding campaign ends, you will receive a lovely, fresh pack of meat delivered straight to your door.

  • STEP 1:         Select and purchase your preferred pack.
  • STEP 2:         Sit back and relax.  Your meat will be delivered to your door.
  • STEP 3:         Enjoy the great food and the good feeling.

‘All or Nothing Campaign’ means that:

1. Funds target MUST be reached to execute operation;

2. Your credit card is therefore not processed unless/until target is met.



The App…a Preview
















Meet the farmers who have pledged their support!
















The team at Parliament House for our official launch!


Shopping for a fair go for our farmers!



July 31, 2017

A message from Peter Askew

To all our amazing supporters, thank you.

It is with both sadness and optimism that I advise you that our crowdfunding campaign is coming to a close.  Whilst we haven’t achieved our funding goal in this campaign, your support has allowed us to make great strides forward in bringing this project together.

When we set out to build our app, we always wanted it to be something really special, and now with the assistance of our universities and cutting-edge technology, we are working to build Aussie Food To You as a leader in digital shopping, with future-proof tech that will bring powerful capabilities to our operational end that haven’t yet been seen in this industry. 

Behind the scenes, Aussie Food To You have been working with an incredible number of stakeholders, including Federal and State Ministers, universities, international meat and produce buyers, international government representatives, local and multi-national corporations, major infrastructure providers and of course our wonderful Australian farmers.  Championed by an impressive list of supporters, we are on the brink of creating stunning change to the agricultural industry.

On the non-tech side, we have worked tirelessly for our farmers to negotiate massive bulk-sales opportunities that will bring security and stability to their farms and ensure that they can continue to operate so that when it is ready, they can be a part of the Aussie Food To You family, and put their fresh produce on your tables.

All of this has been possible because of your support - through being able to show the farmers and the politicians that if we provide them with the means to do it, our communities will back our farmers.  Like a petition, this campaign provided confidence to our politicians that the Australian people want to see more done to help the agricultural industry, and it gave our farmers a sense of hope that there are people willing to stand up for them.

As we told you previously, just because the crowdfunding hasn’t drawn the financial support we would have liked, we haven’t given up, and we won’t give up, because this is too important to us and to our farmers and regional communities.   But after all these months, we don’t feel that it’s fair to you, our supporters, to keep you waiting for the campaign to reach its goal, so we made the hard decision to call the crowdfunding a day and concentrate our efforts on bringing you the technology that will enable you to make a positive difference to our farmers directly.  We thank you for being a part of the journey, and invite you to stay informed of our progress if you would like to keep hearing from us.

Remember, buy Australian, and wherever you can, buy direct.

We will hopefully be seeing you soon.

Peter Askew

February 17, 2017

A personal message from our Managing Director.

Hi there.  Firstly, I would like to personally thank you for your invaluable support.  Every pledge has brought us a step closer to our goal of bringing positive change to our farming industry, and to put only the best quality food on the tables of everyday Australians.

I knew it would be hard in this phase of the project, and, yes, it has proven to be highly challenging, but we are making great progress in other areas that will help make Aussie Food To You the success story it should be.  And although our Ready Fund Go campaign hasn’t been as spectacular as we would have liked, we haven’t given up, and we won’t give up, because this is too important to us and to our farmers and regional communities.

But this does mean that we will have to extend our campaign deadline again.  I appreciate and acknowledge the patience you have shown and I want you to know that we are absolutely committed to making Aussie Food To You happen, even though it is taking a little longer than we had hoped.

However, I fully understand if you feel that you would like to withdraw your pledge at this point, and I respect your right to do so.  To demonstrate that we are operating from a high level of integrity, we will honour any requests to withdraw pledges with a full refund – no questions asked – and we still thank you for the support you have shown.

Of course, I do hope that you can see past this hurdle and share our vision of a way ahead for our farmers and for consumers, and that you are willing to hang in there with us for the longer term.  We ask you to please maintain your pledge a little while longer, and be content in the knowledge that eventually you will be rewarded – not only with a beautiful meat pack, but also with knowing that you have contributed to making a positive change for the agricultural industry.

Change is never easy, but just remember that every great leap forward was born from change, so we should embrace it, even when it takes a little longer than expected!

Thanks again, and we look forward to being in touch with bigger, better and brighter news in the near future.

Cheers, Peter Askew

PS.  This is how the team at Aussie Food To You feels:

November 29, 2016

We have added two new pledge options!

Check out our new Christmas pledges, where you can pledge to buy a Christmas voucher to be sent to a recipient of your choice, with your own special message!

Be sure to let you friends and family know...

Best wishes,

The Aussie Food To You team.














November 23, 2016

81 pledges and rising....

Two weeks in from our official launch at Parliament House, and we are making great progress!  Every day we are getting closer to our target, and you are getting closer to receiving your meat pack.  Yum!

Watch this space for a special announcement!

We have some exciting announcements soon that will reinforce your decision to support us - some big names are getting behind us, and we can't wait to tell you who.... 

But for now we still need your help.

Can you refer our campaign to two or three of your friends to help raise awareness of what we are trying to do?  Remember, more pledges means more farmers can join in and start selling direct to the public. 


November 11, 2016

Wow! In 2 days we have jumped to over 60 pledges! Thanks to all those who have shown their support. Please share with your friends.

87 supporters


Thea Clifford
7 years ago

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Richard Bradley
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Lynda Clarke
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Jason Fisher
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Andrew Marchevsky
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Sophie Hose
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Laura Bailey
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James Peter
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Robert Burke
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Justin Humphries
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Ken Glasson
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Phoebe Glover
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Vicky Lane
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Dave Rhodes
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Greg Trott
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Melissa Hughes
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Alice Bedlington
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Louise Alexander
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Verena Lapthorn
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Bradley McFadyen
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Shane Brown
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Rhys Dando
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Lin Van Oevelen
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Jo Dibden
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Daniel Nugent
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Angus Whyte
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Elizabeth Rainford
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Sam Marwood
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kate maloney
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Jackie O'Brien
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Lisa Preston
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Nicole Walker
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Ashay Parulekar
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One comment on “Aussie Food To You

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