What is the campaign goal and deadline?

The campaign goal is the amount of money that you need to make your campaign a success.

All ReadyFundGo campaigns have a deadline in which to reach your goal. This date is set by you. Research shows that campaigns that run for a 29 to 41 day period are the most successful, regardless of the amount that needs to be raised.

If you'd like to see more of our essential tips for managing and promoting your crowdfunding project, you can grab our Guide To Crowdfunding here.

About ReadyFundGo

ReadyFundGo is a crowdfunding platform and community of social entrepreneurs, business owners, change makers and innovators who have a great idea they want to get off the ground or grow. If you are interested in the world of innovation and ideas, or want to find strategies for raising funds for your own project or expansion, ReadyFundGo can help. To begin your own crowdfunding campaign, start your draft here.